Education- Not the key to a Clean, Safe India

Among the incredibly long list of problems as a country India has, cleanliness (rather, the lack of it) and safety (esp. for women) are of at most paramount. What was said and taught to us has made us believe that when literacy among the so called "rural India" increases, we will be a safe and clean country. Today, after witnessing several dishearteningly poor gestures from my own brethren of educated folk, I am sorry to convey that it is all a big lie.

What prompted me to write this one up is something that happened recently on a road trip to Andhra. We were heading back to Bangalore along the NH-44 when my friend overtook a pair of girls on scooty. What would have been a mundane event turned out to cause a huge displeasure in me when the friend riding shotgun seat jutted his head out and made a lewd gesture at them. I do not know if the girls felt insecure, I don't know if they swore at us but I felt incredibly inhuman. What was the need for that? Where did chivalry go? Let alone chivalry, where did humanity and decency go?

It is easy to get carried away by occasion especially for first timers, but stepping over the line of decency is a cardinal sin, never once forgiven. This friend in question is an otherwise respectable person of what I "assumed" good upbringing working in an IT company. I realised reputations shatter in front of such filthy acts and images like these are bound to be held in thoughts for a long time to come. I will not be able to forgive this man for every time I see him, I will remember what he did. If I feel this way about one incident that I've come across, I am wondering how women even place trust in men even after being treated to such cruelties.

It does not stop here.

You lose hope when you see littered offices. Aren't educated, working people supposed to know the importance of cleanliness?

You lose hope when women are mistreated by their own colleagues. Aren't degree holders supposed to know the art of approaching women?

You lose hope when your friend jumps a red signal. Isn't he supposed to know that it is potentially harmful not only to him but also to others?

To tie cleanliness and safety of women to education is nothing but reflective denial. The acceptance of the truth can cause consequences too far great than what could be withstood. Educated people are not needed; good people are. Mothers and fathers should emphasise the value of being a good man or a good woman that being a rich man or beautiful woman. Ultimately, it boils down to the upbringing.

A good child will always be a good citizen and a good person at heart. A bad child, how much ever rich will never be of any value to the country and to his fellow existence.


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