Harmony of Feminism and Chivalry- Impossible?

With the recent onset of the somewhat annoying concept of feminism, I begin to wonder the role of chivalry. Men held the doors, paid the bills and added their names behind hers, but do they matter at all in this 21st century?

I do not hate modern feminism; that would be a word too mild. I abhor it for it is yet another one sided argument. These are my undeniably true feelings. I've always felt that feminism and chivalry are like chalk and cheese. They can never go together.

For example, you go on a date with a feminist; the evening would go well, the red wine you'd have downed would slowly take hold of you, all until when you come to the part of paying the bill. You'd naturally proffer your card and just as you do, you'll find a beam of hate energy directed at you. It's from your feminist date. 'Do you think I can't pay my own bills? Do you think I am incapable sustenance?ā€™ she'd ask. This is not caricature by any means but just a reflection of the society's happenings.

I personally had a weird moment once trying to exhibit chivalry, albeit to non-feminist women. I was dining with a female friend of mine when one of her friends was approaching our table to join us. I stood up as the lady reached the table (as a man should always when joined by a lady at the dining table for the first time) and noticing me, my friend stood up unassumingly. The lady was joining us assumed that we were leaving. For a moment, we all stood looking at each other.

As though misunderstandings are not enough, we also have non-understandings which are, trust me, much more difficult to handle. I once held the door at office for a lady whom I had no association with. She walked past me and through the door glancing at my direction with a weird scowl. Wow, all the things we do to keep chivalry alive...

For people like us, who enjoy the Edwardian British shows where the Lords and Kings are portrayed in their most regal of habits, there is a corner to look for women with a strong attitude but with a will to play along with chivalry. Of course, we would want to sit after she sits, hold doors for her and always walk kerbside. A part of the regal gentleman is still alive with us, undoubtedly.

But with the nagging tag of feminism that most women wear these days, a half I suspect not even knowing what it means, chivalry is living life on sorry ventilator.


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